Ice cream sandwiches

I don't know what it's like where you are, but around here we've been in the grip of a bit of heatwave. And, while I love the heat of high summer, all I can seem to think about is ice cream sandwiches - they haunt my every waking moment. The Chipwich is high on my list of faves, closely followed by the Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich. Low rent and delicious, and it's all I can do to not run to the corner store right this second to buy one.

Luckily I've found something that might (hopefully) break the ice cream sandwich spell - Crate & Barrel's series of appetizer plates are not only super gorgeously bright, piece-by-piece they're almost as cheap as a Chipwich. I'll be buying all ten of them to mix in with all my white dishes, how about you?

More affordable modern

So have you heard that CB2 has finally announced their first store north of the border? The edgier kid brother of Crate & Barrel is taking on the old Big Bop on Queen West in Toronto as their flagship location, and expects to have the space all fixed up and doors open in early 2011. Yep, not exactly next week (we'll be keeping our fingers crossed it might be sooner) but in the meantime don't fret - CB2 ships to Canada, and you can always use the wait as an excuse to head to either NYC or Chicago to shop one of their stores. Just remember to carry along an extra suitcase.


{Giving it} Krouvi Beer Mug

Giving it is all about my take on what makes a great gift. Here's the first off the block, the Krouvi Beer Mug. Designed back in 1973 by Finnish master glass designer Oiva Toikka the Krouvi is all hefty workaday simplicity, marked by that lovely pebbled texture and crisply stamped with a 50cl mark (so you know exactly how much organic brew you've downed). Oh, did I mention it's made by Ittala, is freezer-safe, and that it's on the shelf at Crate & Barrel for under $10? I'll take a half dozen please...

Hot plate

Apologies for not posting yesterday - We had to spend time at the lawerys signing multiple bits of paper for the new house and then I headed off to the airport for a press trip to NY. After an eventful flight (delays, bumps and then a slight near miss) we finally landed and headed in to the city, checked in and immediately went, ummm, shopping. lol

I dragged a few of the gals along with me, and, with an hour to spare before a scheduled meeting, we got a fair bit done. Uniqlo for a bit of affordable fashion, Japanese style, CB2 for a cool slice of modern housewares and furniture, and then one swift aperitif at Balthazar.

CB2 is right up there for me for well-priced gear for the home (and yes, they can ship internationally) - It's always stylish, on-trend and directional. I thought the plates below were hilarious, and at $2.95 would make for a witty and affordable touch mixed with all-white dinnerware. Good thing I'm here with a small overnight bag, otherwise there'd be a ceiling fixture coming home with me too...