I have a feature coming up for the National Post's Post Homes magazine for September that I've spent a fair bit of time working on this week. Much of that time has me searching through online catalogues to see what's new and what will fit the feel and direction of the story. Mostly it's point, click, snore - especially when I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Design Within Reach is always a go-to site for me because, well, they just have the right stuff - A well edited and stylishly modern collection of 'tools for living' (I cribbed that from their website, lol, but I think it says is all!).
The globes below are new additions at DWR, and I'm very glad for their arrival. Set on a vintage credenza or stashed in a bookshelf, they're just the ticket for a well-travelled, modern design object. The mint globe has a slight 40's feel, while the black is all business.