Don't tell Joan

"I told you. No more wire hangers, ever!" Okay, if that quote means something to you then you're probably fascinated by kitsch and might have seen the crazypants Joan Crawford biopic Mommie Dearest. In one infamous scene Joan, in a scenery chewing performance by Ms. Faye Dunaway, ransacks her adopted daughter's closet, beats her with a coat hanger, and screams those now oft-repeated words. Where am I going with this? Ah yes, wire hangers - despite Joan's protests - are making a comeback in the design world. Take a look below at Hang On from Normann Copenhagen. Designed by Jade Barnes Richardson, and named with the help of suggestions from Normann Copenhagen's fans on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, the design plays around with the archetypal hanger shape and our view of their disposability. Hang On is made in steel, rather than wire, and is available here in four colours.