Like candy, but for your house

Don't these pendant lights by Danish designer Rie Elise Larsen remind you of Jujubes? Love the colour (they're painted metal) and of course, the brilliantly coloured fabric-covered electrical cords (don't get me started on how hard that cord is to find in North America). Anyways, Rie Elise Larsen is a fave of mine since she's completely unafraid of saturated and sugary bright colours. Click here to see her whole line, including a brill selection of textile and paper goods, and click here to see her gorgeously styled and completely inspirational look book...


Colour correction

Okay, I'm all for good taste, but every now and then I think I might just barf if I have to look at another classic white linen drum shade. Jeez Louise people, let's break out of the beige box and have some fun! Anyhoo, along the lines of that mini rant I want to share the work of Rie Elise Larsen. This Danish stylist stepped out in the Spring of '08 to create her own line of completely gorgeous housewares, paper goods and fashion accessories, all with a light, bright and intensely colourful sensibility. Me likey, especially the be-ribboned paper lampshades and colourful lamp cords shown below. Click here to check out the rest of her beautifully photographed and v. charming collection.