Of cheese, watches and knives

Oh, and don't forget luggage and menswear. Well, maybe the cheese isn't really part of the equation, lol, since I'm talking about Victorinox and the Swiss Army line of products. If you remember I posted about this Victorinox Special Edition Airstream a while back, and this week, the touring version of their Airstream made a stop in Toronto as part of the firm's 125th anniversary. I got the chance to check it out (v. cool), and you can too, since it's parked up at The Ex this weekend. Want more of a reason? They're giving away a trip to Switzerland while they're here, and in every other city they make a stop in. How cool is that?


Have knife, will travel

The Swiss Army knife, y'know, the one with the tool that'll get boy scouts out of horse's hooves, is turning 125 and as part of the celebration has hooked up with Airstream. They'll only be making 125 of their Victorinox Special Edition 19ft trailers which, if you take a look below, are pretty sweet. The interior is hooked up with polished surfaces, custom bedding and more Swiss Army tools than you can shake a stick at (though I might ixnay those red dishes...). I've always fancied an Airstream, not only for a road trip, but how fab would it be to park one at home for when the inlaws show up for a few days? And, if the Swiss Army trailer isn't to your taste, then take a boo at Airstream's 16ft DWR model, which comes kitted out with bits and bobs by George Nelson, Tom Dixon and Objekto.